cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


That 70s Show

I'm at H_______'s house, at the moment. Slept over. Yesterday we dropped by B_____'s place (damn, forgot to pick up the copy of A Clockwork Orange that I lent her. Ah, I'll pick it up when I drop by next week)...y'know, to hang and help her pick out pictures to put on her wall. It hailed really hard when we were there. I've never seen hail that hard, Twas cool.

And then me, H_____, her little sister and R_______ ate at the Siam cafe. This morning we woke up early. I ran along the lakefront trail, H____ biked.

Hey hey hey. Said boy left me a Facebook comment. He said thanks and have a great summer. I'm such a girl, it's pathetic to get so excited over these things.

But I've got some great news. I got into that summer program thing, and it's actually a job. I'll find out more about it tomorrow, but I know I get paid every two weeks. Fucking score. I feel rich already. No more lamenting on my poverty!

And I've already arranged to get 15 service hours done at the Salvation Army in my neighborhood. That's in the 2nd week of August. I want to get at least 5 hours of service hrs done before then. That way I'll already have 20 and won't have to worry about getting them all done before sophomore year.

I have $40 in my possession. Now that I have a job, I should totally celebrate by blowing half of it. On what...I don't know. I need new clothes bad. But I'm spending my paycheck on that anyway. Books?
Iunno. I'd like Perks of Being a Wallflower. And Misery. And the Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test. Some Kurt Vonnegut would be nice too.
And maybe get The Crickets (w/Buddy Holly)' debut album. Amazon has it brand new for less than $5 dollars. I'd LIKE to support local record stores, but when they don't have what I want then I must order from somewhere else.

So I had this whole thing in mind of how I want to improve over the summer.
Already doing the whole get-fit thing,
Got a summer job.

I'm going to cut my hair really short. Maybe like a feathery close-cropped type of cut,. Like an Peter Pan thing. I never thought my mom would go for it. But I asked her and she was like, "sure. It's your hair." Fun.

Of course I want to get a slinkster cool wardrobe. This year I've found some really funky places that sell incredibly cool things. That's where I plan to shop. And those cool Vietnamese places on Argyle.

3:37 p.m. - 6/23/08


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
