cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


David Bowie::Secret Life of Arabia

Listening to Heroes on my mediocre-quality Spongebob cassette player. Ahh, what can you do?

I was talking to Heena half an hour ago (Today's her 17TH!) and came to the shitty realization that I left out an important part of her residence while addressing my letters. That really bummed me out. She said it was okay, but still. Ugh. can't wait until this week too is finished.

And FUCK I am so sick, and it sucks fat meaty balls. Tomorrow is my choir concert. I was bummed out again yesterday when my mom told me that I could have gotten my dress hemmed much cheaper than I did at the dry cleaners. God. Fuck my life. I need to use that three-pound mass of tissue that's in my head sometimes.

Goddamn damn damn my life.

Over break I'm going to be coming to free street. R__ said Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, maybe Fridays. I definitely won't be coming for all those days; I almost kind of don't want to do it, I was looking forward to doing absolutely NOTHING over break. Grrr.

I'm unsure about how I feel about Free Street. On one hand it's cool and everything, on the other hand I sometimes resent it for taking up so much of my damn time. Especially Saturdays.

6:08 p.m. - 12/10/08


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
