cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


Mr Blue Sky :: Electric Light Orchestra

Bonne vacances de printemps to myself.


Today should be a chill kind of day. It'll consist of sleeping, eating, going over my script, cleaning my room and vacuuming. Isn't that great?

Saturday I saw my third Wes Anderson feature; Bottle Rocket. Yeah. I actually liked it a lot. And now that I think about it, i really LIKED IT. aND I WOULD PROBABLY LIKE IT MORE IF i SAW IT AGAIN. Ooops, that wasn't meant to be in caps. Anyway. There's something about those freres de Wilson. Je ne sais quoi...mais quelquechose.

I also saw the last half of Dog Day Afternoon. And I saw Annie Hall again. Woody Allen warms the cockles of my heart.

I kinda wish my fish would die already. I know, I know. I'm terrble. But I want a fucking turtle, and I can't have both at the same time. This place in Chinatown sells them for about $15. Mfghhhh. I don't know HOW mes poissons are still alive. I'm not the best fish owner.

Report cards came on Thursday. 3As, 3Bs, 1D. Yeah. You know where.

Joyeux Avril!

1:32 p.m. - 04/05/09


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
