cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


Velvet Underground :: Candy Says

Hellz to the yeah, new computer monitor. LCD, high tech and whatnot.

I finished my service hours at Salvation Army today. The first day (Monday) made me really tired. Everyone was nice and all. But I was the only kid there in the kitchens. Surrounded comppletely by adults. There was this one moment when the kitchen cook told me to always tell someone when I'm going out of the kitchen (like to the bathroom or something) because there are grown men wandering around and he doesn't want me to get taken advantage of.

On the outside I said okay but I was thinking so I can get freakin' raped? Hell, this is safe.

Oh and I'm in shit shit shit. 'Member the schmillion dollar (well 150 dollar math calculator that I thought I had found and returned? Well, it wasn't mine. Which means there's a debt to pay. And it stinks like three-day old gym socks. My parents aren't expecting me to pay, because I have other back to school cal to pay for. Like the red champion Keds I ordered with my mom's credit card. $20.97---free shipping & no tax. Booyah!

But I feel really bad. My school fees are already hella pricey. I emailed my math teacher, and she said she'd check again when she got back to school. That's on the 27th. But regristration in on the 19th and all payments have to be made by then, or else you won't get your schedule. Grrr.

On a brighter note I went to pick up my check today. $210. SUH-weet. It looks lovely on paper: TWO HUNDRED AND TEN DOLLARS.

I miss seeing Late Night with Conan. He probably won't be on until almost September, on account of the Olympics and all. I miss him, and his self deprecating-ness and his jokes that sometimes fail and his magnificent...being.

I love beautiful men.
Men like Anderson Cooper.
Oh lord, yes. So gorgeous, so sexy. You know what, I bet part of it is that silver hair. God yes. It makes him look so distinguished and professional, it makes me think just the naughtiest thoughts.

Sigh. I should've known he was too beautiful to be straight. That's okay. He's still an incredible journalist who happens to be damn sexy.

Mes cheuveux, soon to be probably almost nothing. I can't wait wait wait. Short hair is thefucking bomb...if you have the right face for it. (Which I firmly believe that I do.)

R.I.P.s to Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes. Both deaths so completely unexpected. For serious. Incredible men, incredible entertainers, they sure as hell will be missed.

11:48 p.m. - 08/15/08


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
