cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


The Clash :: White Man in Hammersmith Palais

Happy 68th Birthday Ringo Starr.
Lurve him. For a little while he was my favorite Beatle...until I figured out that I didn't have a favorite.
He said all he really wanted for his birthday was peace, and he said it would be cool if at noon everyone could take time out to make a peace sign and say "Love and Peace". So I did. ;)

Sigh. Sigh sigh sighhhhhh.

There's a mosque picnic this coming Saturday that I'm going to. I don't want to. I really don't want to. My parents are Muslim and I guess you could say that my mom's an active member of the Nigerian-Muslim community. I am not.
I don't even personally consider myself a Muslim. I don't know what I am. I believe in a God, after all the years of being taught to do so it's kind of hard NOT to.
And I'm gonna feel super out of place there, I just know it. Grrr. I hate social gatherings where I know I'll feel out of place, I just dread them. Now I bet this'll ruin my whole fucking week. Dammit. My mom already bought stuff to bring to the picnic. Maybe if I say I don't want to go then I won't have to. But, I'm not counting on it.

I ran this morning. I am proud of myself.
I initially I woke up at 6:15 and thought it was too late to run. But then I thought, "is it really?" And I stayed in bed for a couple minutes and alas, decided to get my ass up because I needed to if I truly wanted to stick to my running plan and not let it go to hell like it did last week. (I only ran frigging twice last week. That's terrible).

So I grudgingly got up to run. I took a different path this morning, one I've never taken before. And it lead me right to Montrose Dog Beach. I just kinda sat and chilled there for about 10 minutes. I was so fucking winded today, probably because I stopped to take too many breaks. I wasn't gonna go as far as the beach until I saw this dude when I was at this water fountain. He said "Good morning" all friendly-like and I said it back. He looked to be in his late 20s/early 30s, and he had his kid in this baby buggy thing. Y'know the ones that people push when they're out jogging while walking their infants? Yar, one of those jobs.

And the guy had his shirt off and he was probably a married man. Iunno. I felt a need to follow him or not turn around and run back when he was right there. I think I had a slight attraction. What is it that I have for married white men with children?

Speaking of, I had another dream with the Cone Man. I was at this game show/contest thingamajigger with a couple people that I think I knew. And at some point all the contestants were asked to bring out combs. So brought out this skinny green comb. Conan came around to look at everyone's combs, and when he saw mine he said "Nice comb." And smiled at me. Then I felt all giddy and butterflies-in-stomach-like.

Not long after I woke up, disappointed to know that Conan O'Brien did not actually smile at me in real life =(

Gotta get ready for book-making, huzzah. (18 days till paycheck day)

12:33 p.m. - 7/7/08


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
