cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


Green Day :: 1000 Hours

Oh man. I love early Green Day, for serious. I still need to get 1,039/Smoothed out Slappy Hours.

If you listen to albums like that and Kerplunk!, it's like punk (pop-punk, whatver's your cup of tea) to the fullest.

Before Green Day went major label. The prduction was just so raw, it's almost like a live performance. Fast and melodious's so damn fun.

The last week of vacation. Quelle horrible! I still haven't finished chorus stuff. And I wanted to start some AP World chapters early. Dammit.

I could've sworn I had something meaningful to say. Hmm, guess I don't. I could be seeing Baothy later todau. She might drop by my house, although it's kind of in disarray at the moment.

Mmmm. Dry Ice. I love Billie Joe's voice.

The Slits are seriously incredible. No lie.
It's llike a heavenly mix of reggae dub and rock. Fucking sweet. I think I would love them live.
HEY! I turn 16 in 13 days.
And...I got new headphones! They're pretty boss, but start to bother around your ears after a while.

Shit. Too bad I've got nothing useful to say.
List time!!

Albums to eventually become acquired into my collection:

Green Day - 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
The Slits - New Town
X-Ray Spex - Germ Free Adolescents
The Harder They Come Soundtrack
Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed
Chuck Berry - Chuck Berry is On Top
Blind Willie McTell - Atlanta Twelve String
Janis Joplin, Big Brother and the Holding Company - Cheap Thrills
Pixies - Surfer Rosa

(it's only a partial list, dears)

1:25 p.m. - 08/27/08


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
