cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


Motorhead :: Rock Out

So why am I awake at this hour during Winter Vacation? Long story short, my family went to the prayer service for the grandmother of my second cousins. It was sad, she a cool lady. I guess we all gotta go sometime. She was 80 years old, R.I.P.

But we came back at 10:45PM and after taking off my outing clothes and washing the dishes I fell asleep, and then I woke up at 4:15 to find High Fidelity on television. So I watched it. Tsk tsk, John Cusack as Rob Gordon could've been prime marriage material for me had I been 10 years older and he slightly less neurotic. You know Championship Vinyl was located in Wicker Park, a couple blocks from Reckless Records? I should read the novel sometime.

You know how Rolling Stone Magazine comes out with their bullshit lists of "(insert number here) Greatest (insert category here) of all Time", and they're always biased as hell because most of the records are rock records out of the States or U.K.? Hell, they should just make their lists "(insert number here) Greatest Rock (insert category here) of all Time in the U.S. and U.K.". Then I think Rolling Stone's lists would be perfectly valid. But that's not the way it is, so I digress.

For their "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" list (predictably with Hendrix as #1. And rightfully so!") You had a lot of people bitchin ("omg, how the fuck does Joan Jett beat Angus Young?" I have to agree with that one though. Back in Black, anyone?) But there were always those people that said, "I don't see (insert virtuoso but lesser-known guitarists)". Or if they ARE there, they aren't high on the list.

These usually pertain to Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, other virtuoso motherfuckers. And yeah, in technicality terms they are damn good, hence the word "virtuoso". But I find that when I try listening to some of them...the stuff just bores me. A lot. All those showy ass riffs and whatnot. It's all nice to ooh and ahh at. But I don't find it that personally pleasing. It's nice to have melodies sometimes, you know?

Ahh well. Maybe I'm just an unsophisticated music lover. Pity on me.

6:25 a.m. - 12/24/08


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
