cleverjello's Diaryland Diary


On Our Queen's Birthday

Being a grown up is a trip. I am dealing with a pregnancy scare that shouldn't really be a scare because he didn't finish. But my cycle has been odd this month and I've been getting this really unusual spotting. I woke up and still masturbated to the memory of him inside me.

Now I have to get ready for work, eat some breakfast, and start my commute. I should have made spaghetti last night to take to work, but I was too busy googling wtf my spotting was about, before coming paranoid. My birthday is in 5 days. Beyonce's birthday is today. I have my annual review at work today. I am trying to remember to BREATHE. I have much to look forward to, and I think I'll be able to breathe better once my period arrives.

Damn. Last year around my birthday was stressful too. I did this to myself, though. And chances are I am not pregnant. Like statistics are on my side. It wouldn't be so uncomfortable if my cycle wasn't doing this strange spotting shit. N__ brought up a good point, which is that I hadn't had sex in over a year and my period could be affected by all the hormones that were released when I had it. That seems possible, periods are very unusual things. Anyway, I have my STI screening at Planned Parenthood tomorrow and I'll bring up my concerns. I think it makes most sense to just wait to get my period, which isn't technically due for another few days. ARGHH!

But it's my birthday week and I want to be nice to myself so let me try to relax. I might go to the beach after work today. We'll see.

8:23 a.m. - 09/04/2018


avant - ensuite


Keep Guessing


drop by?

Make Friends


Wild Card
